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Garden Log Cabins

If you’ve decided that you need additional space in your home and yet are unsure just how to accommodate your needs then why not consider one of Phoenix Timber Buildings garden log cabins.

With the present cost of extended your home and the downturn in the property market, limiting the re-sale value of a house and hence not justifying the expenditure of a home extension, more and more people are opting to erect exterior buildings such as garden log cabins on their premises.

With this in mind Phoenix Timber Buildings has consciously decided to provide a solution to this growing issue. Our garden log cabins are each sturdy, spacious exterior buildings that enable you to park, work or store items in your garden.

So, why should you choose Phoenix Timber Buildings for your garden log cabins?

Phoenix Timber Buildings are customer-focussed and dedicated to providing their customers with the level of service that they deserve. We work exclusively with every customer identifying their needs effectively. Whether you have a limited budget or are looking for visually stunning exterior buildings, like garden log cabins, we work with you to make sure your expectations are met.

If you’re considering using us to build garden log cabins we will visit your property and provide you with a free, no obligation quotation. We’ll help you decide on the design that best suits your needs and offer a flexibility of work that won’t be matched. All of our garden log cabins are built using only the highest grade fourth redwood timber. This timber has a higher grade than most leading manufacturers, has minimal imperfections and is only sourced from sustainable forests.

If you’d like to know more about the garden log cabins that we’re able to offer you, or indeed any of the other exterior building designs including prices and dimensions, then come and visit us online at:


With garden log cabins available from you can be sure that you will receive a high quality building, at a competitive price. Visit our website for more information!

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